How to Fix a Leaky Faucet?

“Drip, drip, drip” It is very annoying sound right!!
The sound of Leaky Faucet able to destroy your day and your sleeping at night. This leaky faucet will cost you huge amounts of water and of course huge water bills.
If you are not able to fix your faucet, don’t feel afraid, we will help you. The following steps will show you how to fix & repair your leaky faucet inexpensively and easily.
Before starting any plumbing issue repair, it is better to Work Early in the morning to give yourself much time to go to deal with any complex work or go to the nearby equipment store.
Never ever start any plumbing repair while the hardware store is closed.
Essential Tools:
· O-Rings.
· Adjustable C Wrench.
· Replacement Washers.
· Penetrating Oil as WD-40.
· Screwdrivers “Phillips & Flat-Head”
Here How To Fix Your Leaky Toilet Or Kitchen Faucet:
Step 1
· Before doing anything you must turn off the water valve that place under the sink. Then, open the faucet to get rid of all the water inside it.
· By using a fabric cloth, close the sink drain to capture anything may fall.
· Tape the wrench with duct tape to avoid any scratches for your fixture.
Step 2
· Use The Flat Head Screwdriver To Remove Handle Knobs.
· Remove The Screw That Connect The Handle To The Stem Carefully By Using The Screwdriver.
· If it is hard to do so, apply the Penetrating Oil that helping loosen it.
Step 3
· By using the C Wrench to remove the packing nut and then remove the faucet stem.
· Check if there is any damages in the removed parts.
Step 4
· If all the parts are good, examine the faucet’s O-ring or Washers. If one of them broken or damaged, then they are probably the reason behind the leak.
Step 5
· Go to the nearby hardware store to bring the exact, original, and same parts as the broken or damaged ones.
Step 6
· After getting the new parts, rearrange your faucet one more but vice versa the way you dissemble it. First put the washer, then the O-ring, Stem, next Packing Nut, screw, and finally the faucet handle.
· Turn on the water valve and slowly the water faucet to check if there is still leak or not.
· If there is still leak, then you maybe didn’t notice a broken or damaged part or probably your faucet is rust.
· Try to check the faucet parts once more but carefully or give Plumbing Dallas TX Pro a call, we will be more than happy to help you.

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